The Editor’s Blog
I dedicate this blog to those who write and hope to share their work with a broader audience. My posts will also appear on my Facebook and LinkedIn pages, where I welcome comments and suggestions.
Writer’s Block: How Can You Work Through It?
Writer’s block can feel like an insurmountable obstacle. Here are 10 practical strategies to break writer’s block and reignite creativity.
Using Contractions: Do You Write the Way You Speak?
Contractions are shortened forms of words or phrases created by combining two words and replacing one or more letters with an apostrophe. For example, can't is a contraction of cannot. Another example is it’s, a contraction of it is, or it has. Contractions are commonly used in spoken and written English to convey informality.
Overcoming Procrastination: A Challenge for All Writers
Whether you're a seasoned author or just starting your writing journey, battling procrastination can often feel like an uphill struggle. However, with the right strategies and mindset, you can overcome this obstacle and boost your productivity. In today’s article, we'll explore six proven strategies writers use to conquer procrastination and boost their creativity.
Run-on Sentences: A Challenge for Many Aspiring Writers
Have you ever read a sentence you thought would never end? Some writers attempt to convey multiple thoughts and ideas without using periods or other appropriate punctuation. Afterward, you're not even sure what the author was trying to say. Unfortunately, you’re now facing the notorious run-on sentence. A grammatical disease that can wreak havoc on the clarity and conciseness of your writing.